Search Engine Marketing & Pay-Per-Click Advertising


Our unique approach to SEM & PPC Advertising keeps Sonar accounts on an even keel and an upward trajectory.

Advertising on Google, Bing and social channels offer flexible opportunities to drive quality conversion and leads. At Sonar Digital, we specialize in Text, Display, Shopping & Social ads—working with our clients to capture high intent customers via these search engines and platforms. People are search for your products or services, let’s work together to make sure they find it—quickly, easily and affordably. When managed correctly, profits from a productive PPC campaign can actually pay for other digital marketing initiatives entirely!

Google Ads: Text, Display & YouTube

Whether you’re just getting ready to seize the huge opportunity that Google Ads can represent, or a seasoned pro looking to get the most out of a particularly complex account, we can help. Highly targeted campaigns across all three networks are our bread and butter.

Paid Social Media Advertising

Advertising on Facebook, Instagram and other social networks has never been more complicated than it is now. Accurate targeting and efficient implementation have never been more important. Sonar has a second sense for both and can assist with campaigns of any size.

B2B / Lead Gen

B2B advertising requires significantly more touchpoints and milestones than e-commerce. Utilize channels like LinkedIn to drive micro-conversions, i.e. email sign-ups or white paper downloads, and setup marketing automation to increase quality leads.

We’re Different From the Other PPC Pros

“Set it and forget it” isn’t even in our vocabulary—we haven’t met an account yet that we couldn’t optimize.

Rock-Solid StrategyFrom start to finish

An advertising campaign is only as good as its DNA

Efficient AFGet more from your ad spend

We're absolutely obsessed with ROI

+ AnalysisLearn more about your audience

And how, when and where to reach them

The SEO / PPC / Content Connection

SEO & PPC are too often put in their own silos. At Sonar Digital, we strongly believe that SEO and strong content lay the foundation for successful PPC. Targeted landing pages are great for SEO in the long-term, and can be efficient conversion machines for PPC efforts in the short term.

Sound interesting? Learn about our unique approach to SEO and Content Optimization.


Click Thru Rate Increase


Cost Decrease

Discovery Project
One Time Fee
Flat rateStart now
Account set up or optimization audit
Opportunity analysis
Budget assessment
Conversion tracking diagnostics
Project prioritization framework
Strategy Development
One Time Fee
And UpStart now
Chart the path to PPC success
Channel Strategy
Conversion tracking
Account structure optimization
Audience development framework
Monthly Management
Full-service strategy implementation
And UpStart now
The hard work of how we get there
Budget management
Campaign optimization
Reporting & read outs

Get PPC help today

ROI is right around the corner.